Term and conditions

By agreeing to the Terms of the operation of the site, by leaving the client's details on the website, http://vip-level.ru, and by filling in the fields : "Book a trip" and "Cancel the order", the client:
confirms that the data belongs to him personally;
acknowledges and confirms that he/she has carefully and fully read these Terms;
acknowledges and confirms that all provisions of these Terms and Conditions are clear to him/her; 
gives consent to the processing of site submissions, in order to identify him/her as a client and contact him/her for services;
agrees to these Terms and Conditions without any reservations and restrictions.
These Terms apply to the processing of the following data:
Full client name (Last, Middle, and First Name);
phone number;
email address.
The client provides the right, to the website, to perform the following actions (operations) with the client data:
the collection and accumulation of the client data;
clarification (update or change) of the client data;
the use the data in connection with the client and to specify the services;
deletion of client data from the site.
The information collected on the site is used only to fulfill specific contracts and services.

The current version is always available on the webpage at: http://vip-level.ru/privacy/.